Friday, 25 October 2013

Filming Update 2

Filming Update 2

Today we have gone to our location and re shot some our entire lip syncing sequence and some filler shots. We should have done this some time ago but due to unforeseen weather circumstances and our actor forgetting his mise-on-scene we had to postpone. If we had shot in drastically different weather then there would be obvious continuity errors that would have taken down our overall mark.

Overall the shoot went very well, the lip syncing now looks better and we will have no black gaps, and I will proceed to edit the clips into our video and see what further changes we need to make

Friday, 18 October 2013

Filming Update

Filming Update 18/10/2013

We have filmed our first set of shots for our music video. We did this on the 11th of October, and have proceeded to edit this into a pre-first draft. This has allowed us to work out that we need to reshoot quite a few shots. Some of these include our lip-syncing shots, as they did not fit correctly with the song and we hope to address this with a reshoot. We also need to take extra filler clips, and reshoot the first shot as we don't have enough footage to fill the 3 minutes and the first shot did not show the crossroads clearly enough.

However it is very difficult to get the correct time to film- as our first set of shots was filmed on a reasonably nice and dry day- something that is proving difficult to come upon this week as it has been raining. Also our actor has forgotten some vital mise-on-scene when we tried to film earlier in the week, so we decided to call it off until a better day comes along and we have everything we need to make it as good as possible.

Here is our pre-first draft (still lots more to do)


Editing Screenshots

We are currently in the process of editing our first draft of our music video. We are looking at using many different editing techniques and experimenting with things we haven't tried before.

Colour Correction

These are the settings that we have chosen to colour correct our video. I have gone with a lot more vibrant greens because there is a lot of green in our video, so this will help to make our video stand out and look a lot more aesthetically pleasing. As you can see below, the final colour corrected photo looks a lot more interesting, and the green grass behind our protagonist looks much more vibrant.

Gaussian Blur

Here we have added the Gaussian blur effect shown above. At the start of the clip we have the blur settings set to 0, as the blur is going to start halfway through the clip.

By the end of the clip the settings have increased, and the blur has occurred, turning the shot into the "After" shot shown above. This gives our music video's end a more professional look, and gives the video closure.
Here we are reversing our clips for the ending of our video- this is done by a simple tick box and it makes our clips go in reverse- perfect for our video.

Here we are slow-motioning one of our clips. This is done by changing the playback rate, as I have done in the clip by changing it to 0.7 instead of 1.0, the normal speed. This effect is crucial for our tripping and mugging scenes, where slow-motioning is useful to make them more dramatic and powerful.

We have also used very fast cuts in some areas, so we have zoomed in the timeline to allow us to sync it to the music correctly, and hopefully making it accurate to the music.