Filming Update 18/10/2013
We have filmed our first set of shots for our music video. We did this on the 11th of October, and have proceeded to edit this into a pre-first draft. This has allowed us to work out that we need to reshoot quite a few shots. Some of these include our lip-syncing shots, as they did not fit correctly with the song and we hope to address this with a reshoot. We also need to take extra filler clips, and reshoot the first shot as we don't have enough footage to fill the 3 minutes and the first shot did not show the crossroads clearly enough.
However it is very difficult to get the correct time to film- as our first set of shots was filmed on a reasonably nice and dry day- something that is proving difficult to come upon this week as it has been raining. Also our actor has forgotten some vital mise-on-scene when we tried to film earlier in the week, so we decided to call it off until a better day comes along and we have everything we need to make it as good as possible.
Here is our pre-first draft (still lots more to do)
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