Sunday, 14 July 2013

Press Release Stories

Press Release Stories
As part of the publicity for our band we decided to do two press release stories, one which is aimed to be bad publicity and one which is the opposite. We have decided to do this because upon my research, I found that although bad press gets the band noticed, it doesn't encourage the reader to read it as it is already what you would expect from an indie band.

The good publicity story will be that a few weeks after announcing their debut tour "The Homecoming", that the proceeds for said tour, will actually go towards the "Help for Heroes" charity. When the band are interviewed about this, the lead singer responds with "We're doing this not to show that we're true indie and get fans through admiration, but because this is something that means a tremendous deal to me personally in particular losing my dad from his injuries after he returned from Afghanistan." This type of charity work for a band has only really been seen before within a single song towards the end of the year. Perhaps this ultimately shows that Jumpstart are a "real" indie band and are not touring for the money in it.

The bad publicity story is one that is very typical for indie bands with the majority of the bands members being arrested at a party for possession and use of drugs (as demonstrated on the right by the band "I See Stars"). Our band will be caught at a big after party after the 3rd night of their tour "The Homecoming" with possession of Cannabis and will be put in HMP Wakefield prison.
Similar to the image of the left, the female member of the band will tweet out about her experience after being arrested followed by a formal apology to their fans.

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