Sunday, 23 June 2013

Costume and Hair


The costume that Phoenix will be wearing will be stereotypical of the hip-hop genre he is from, particularly taking inspiration from the music video he will do ("Mrs Jackson" by OutKast). Although taking inspiration from the genre he is within, his costume will be modified to include some popular fashion trends of today as he is a "mainstream" artist and thus needs some of the conventions that go with that title.
For the main part of Phoenix's costume he will be wearing a slightly over-sized football Jersey, I have chosen to have him wear this as we feel it fits the conventions of the hip-hop genre but also allows for the jersey to be personalised to possibly have "Phoenix" or "Sargant" on the back to build up his character in this debut music video. Although the example jersey I have shown on the left is an american football one, I will adapt the style and create a fictional team which allows us to choose colours for him as an artist which would be black with an orange trim. The number of the jersey could also be changed to a significant number or one that makes suggestions to the target audience such as the number "69"
The pants that our character will be wearing are some skinny jeans. Although not something typically seen in the hip-hop genre who wear baggy jeans, we have gone with this style as the skinny style of them is something that is currently in fashion and because of this helps to target the mainstream market which is something that artists within the mainstream market do.
The accessories that our character will be wearing are very typical of the hip-hop genre's and some are still widely used within the mainstream market. One key feature of our artists costume will be the recognisable glasses that he will wear and which are one of the main features on his logo, the glasses I have chosen for him to wear are currently quite popular among fashion and I feel they will appeal to the mainstream market.

As well as the glasses we will also have a few gold necklaces as part of his accessories. I have chosen to include these "chains" as part of his costume as they are a majorconvention within rap and hip-hop artists costume and will hopefully establish our character in those genres too. Although we are targeting the mainstream market, both accessories are something that will help to make him recognisable.

The shoes that Phoenix will wear as part of his costume are quite stereotypical of the hip-hop/rap genre, but also fit quite well into the current fashion trends, I feel by choosing these, he appeals to all elements as a mainstream artist and increases the size of his target audience. I have again chose the colours black and orange as part of this costume as they become a trade mark associated with our artist.


Phoenix's hairstyle is something that is a major factor in his identity, the afro that we have chose is extremely typical of his race and the genre of music that he appeals to. The afro is also a hairstyle that cannot be seen as unfashionable and because of this, helps him appeal to the current mainstream market in which fashion is a major element. Phoenix's hair acts like part of his costume as it stays consistent throughout and again helps to build up his persona.

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